Liberty & Empowerment

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How many fingers am I holding up?

I typically intend to ease myself into a particular topic with some kind of introductory or basic/essential post regarding a normative – yet questioning – commentary. Along those lines, I haven’t yet posted much with regards to the “Liberty & Freedom” category thus far . . . realizing it is a far more challenging arena for indoctrinated “normies” and therefore saving it for later. Yet, I find myself not able to wait to share this […]

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Independent Thinking

There’s a form of thinking that I feel we would all benefit from throughout our lives. I refer to it as Independent Thinking (or Free-Thinking).   Some of the major features of this approach are: An unquenchable thirst for knowledge and Truth – regardless of where it leads. Deciding to think outside the norm, beyond what the herd “thinks.” Understanding that the Mainstream (Corporate) Media are pushing propagandist narratives/spin and have zero concern with Truth

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Start Now!

I spent an unnecessary portion of my life mired in a lack of confidence, indecision and procrastination. Once I got into my mid- to late-30s and into my 40s I started my road to self-discovery, questioning everything, and realizing I was letting others (and myself) manipulate me into a spongy state of limbo-life —- a chaotic pinball bouncing from one bumper to another, aimlessly ricocheting through life with no clear direction. The books I began

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Astroturfing – a Slick 21st-Century Manipulation of Fake Support

On the heels of my segment on Propaganda, it makes sense to also share this methodology of modern propaganda called “Astroturfing.” What is Astroturfing?  Essentially it’s the attempt to create an impression of widespread grassroots support for a policy, individual, or product, where little such support actually exists. I stumbled on this excellent video by Sharyl Atkisson, an ex-CBS investigative journalist who apparently still holds the ethics of journalism in high regard (a rarity in

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Propaganda – An Introduction

My last article on Social/Cultural Conditioning naturally leads into a discussion about Propaganda. While Social Conditioning is concerned with the life-long process of molding people’s thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors to what society and peer groups want them to be, propaganda can be viewed as the continual fuel to keep those minds and emotions in line.  And specifically, to condition people to follow the desired directives of those in power “selling” the message. Most of us, it

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I could write a long article about Conformity, but really … what could be more convincing than this representative example? (video: Brain Games – Conformity (Waiting Room) ) Peer Pressure We are pressured and convinced through a lifetime of social conditioning to conform, get along, go along, agree with, regardless of the rationality. This isn’t complicated. You will have a natural tendency to conform to the group – the majority.  You simply need to have

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Social Conditioning

Related very closely to the concept of Groupthink is a process called Social Conditioning .  However, where Groupthink relates to cognitive issues in a small group, Social Conditioning is concerned more with broad social implications – typically nationwide. Definition: Social conditioning is the sociological process of training individuals in a society to respond in a manner generally approved by the society in general and peer groups within society. Manifestations of social conditioning are vast, but

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Why Is “Liberty & Empowerment” Important?

I have an innate passion and drive about individualism, personal responsibility and freedom. In my ideal world each person would be as self-reliant as possible, the government would stay out of our lives and allow individuals the opportunity for ultimate growth. Any significant achievements of the human race aren’t made by wards of the state sucking from the teet of big government. It’s done with the passion & persistence of independent individuals with vision. I

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